Welcome to One Mind Journey, this is your blog spot for English 5, Laney College, Summer Session 07. In tonight's post, there are two parts.
First, tell us a little bit about yourself. Who you are? Why you're taking this class?
Second, Answer the following:
One historical event or a recent pop culture occurence, that has caused you to pause and think is . . . For example, the Iraq War, the price of gas, Paris Hilton, Don Imus, the media, the evolution of the Internet, etc.
Describe the situation and your response to it.
Respond to this post and then, in a separate post, to one of your peers.
Please remember when you post your comments to select "Other" as your identity and type in your name in the space provided.
Welcome to English 5! Let's have a great session!
Good Evening Ms. Wanzo,
My name is Sandra Curry, but everyone calls me Sandye. I am enrolled in this class to complete the requirements to transfer to Cal. State East Bay or another 4 year institution. I am very proud to say I walked the stage in May with an Associates Degree in Language Arts.
Since my writing experiences have been quite limited, I have chosen to complete this portion of my general education now and since the requests for writing assignments are increasing each semester, at this time I want to feel more confident in my writing skills.
I am here this summer to expedite my transfer process, which if all goes as planned will occur in the fall of 2007. I work full-time at a pretty demanding place and I am taking every opportunity to move along at a quicker pace to get my B.A..
I am thrilled to be in your class and look forward to a bit of heightened anxiety! Sandye
My Name is Lyric Sayson and this is my second time around for school. I graduated with my BS in 1985. I work as an Application Developer for a major bank in San Francisco. My writing experience is limited to my job where I have written system design documents. Recently, I decided to change my career after 20+ years in the computer field. I am taking this class to fulfill a prerequisite requirement for a Nursing program which I hope to apply next year.
The recent pop culture occurrence that has caused me to pause and think is about Ms. Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton violated her probation terms related to her drunken driving case where her license was suspended but she continued to drive. On June 5, she was sentenced 45 days in jail. She was sentenced to a Women’s jail in Lynwood, CA. Her parents apparently do not take this sentencing to heart. Her father wants to give her a party upon her release.
I feel that the wealthy such as the Hilton Family believe they are above the law and that power lies with those who have money. Instead to raising their children to be civil and respectful adults, they shower them with everything money can buy. I was happy to see the judge sentence Paris to serve time and send a message that when you break the law, you must server the time. Hopefully, this jail time will ground Paris even if it’s only for a short time.
Hi Sandye.
First of all, 'Congratulations' on receiving your AA last month. Can I ask what you plan to major in at CSU, East Bay? I wish you the best of luck and hope your plans all fall in place. I look forward to our group discussion and meeting the other students in the class.
Hello Ms. Wanzo
June 18th, 2007
My name is J. Verduzco and I'm taking this class to improve my skills in writing and especially thinking--as in thinking out of the box. I am so looking forward in learning how to read more observantly, precisely and effectively because I enjoy reading. If all goes right I hope to receive my AA degree next spring then transfer to either UC Berkely or Hayward State.
The more recent pop culture incident goes to the Don Imus scandal. I must say I don't care what any anthropologists or sociologists would say that Don Imus was in his "social location" and this is why he said what he said, yada, yada, yada. I say WRONG IS WRONG, I don't care what social location you're in it does not justify his nasty, prejudice remark. A location doesn't give you permission to insult others in a demeaning manner nor does it give you the right to express the real hatred, that was apparently in his heart, toward black people. He not only stunned the world but I have this feeling that he stunned himself. This was his wake up call and what a way to wake up!
Hello Ms. Wanzo,
My name is Lisa Alestri, and I am taking the class for a two part reason. First, I honestly do love to write, and even though I am a bit intimidated by the process, I am willing to embrace the challenge. I can already see that this class will be fascinating and engaging. Second, I have a dream to make real, to become an RN. One of the prerequisites for acceptance into a nursing program is either English 1B or English 5. I chose English 5 for the critical thinking aspect and the opportunity to dialogue with others about personal values and beliefs. I see this as a way to get to know myself and the world around me better.
In the last few months, there have been several issues making headlines that have struck a chord with me, and I have felt angry each time. One that comes to mind is when Tom Cruise publicly chastised and demeaned Brooke Shields for making a personal choice to take anti-depressant medication after the birth of her child. I believe his argument was based on his religious beliefs when he said: "during postpartum there are hormonal changes that occur and there is science to prove that, but there is no science to prove chemical imbalance." My feeling is that no one, and specifically Tom Cruise in this instance, has the right to tell another human being what they can or cannot do with regard to making personal choices about their life, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with him. Moreover, he has no idea what affect having a baby has on a woman's chemistry and psyche, and I feel that he had no business commenting on something he knows nothing about.
Hi Lyric,
First, I have to tell you that I love your name! I also love music! I too hope to be a nurse one day, and I am nearly finished with all of the prerequisites. Where do you think you would like to go school for nursing? Perhaps at some point, we can share ideas and give each other a little encouragement.
See you in class,
Hello my name is Joy Forte.I attend San Francisco State University where im a junior my goal is to recieve my BA in psychlogy and a minor in special education. Im a firm believer in giving back to your community.I help feed the homless at Brookside shelter every two months and every other Monday also help feed people at the local Soup Kitchen.
The reasin why im taking this class is so that it helps me fulfill my last general education requirement and so that I can take the junior english profiency test (JEPT) in order for me to graduate in spring 2008.
The one pop culture event that had me stop and think was Paris Hilton. I think that she is just spoiled wants every thing to go her and never heard the word no before. Now she has to pay the consequences for her actions by driving on a suspended licience by severing a forty-five day sentence in jail. I think Paris recieved a slap on the wrist for her actions just because of her economic status and that is not fair. If I were to drive on a suspended licience I would have recieved a more severe sentence for my actions. With that being said I feel that our judiciary system has major flaws and prejudice because of a persons ecomomic status.
Good Morning, my name is Lenishea Stanton; I prefer to be called by my middle name, Kashann or my nickname Kash. I'm taking this class and others to obtain enough credits/units to enter the Paralegal Certificate Program at SFSU Extension. I'm currently working as a paralegal for WaMu and I want to become certified with the American Bar Association (ABA) to further my career.
In reference to current events that made me think, the democratic presidential race has really made me wonder if America is truly ready for someone other than a white man to be the Commander and Chief of the most power country in the world. As much as I would love to believe so, I have to really reflect on this county's history. Sometimes it seems as though the 60's were so long ago, and other times it seems like it was just yesterday when blacks were being hosed down in the streets.
I completely agree with your comment on Don Imus. I'm glad he made his comment and that he knows that we (Americans) will no longer tolerate that type of ignorance; at least not publicly. Imus' comment is the old good ole' boys' type of thinking that scares me about this Presidential Race. The more these people are identified and dealt with the better chance America has at being the country it claims to be.
Reading all of the other comments on this blog has really gotten me excited on what's to come in this class. This is going to be great!
Hello Lyric Sayson!! I enjoyed reading your blog comment. I give you kudos for continuing your education and changing your career path. You inspire me to hold on the my dreams because you have shown me that it doesn't matter your age if your dtermine go for you dreams because the will come true. See you in class.
-Kashann Stanton
Whatever you do, do not do not stop wondering or hoping until you see what is in your heart come to pass in your generation. I personally, can't wait till some other race has the opportunity to run our country. I'm very hopeful and optimstic to see this happen in this election.
Congratulations on being a paralegal at WaMu and I hope you will soon become certified.
My name is Jonathan D. Ivory, and I major in Archictectural Engineering. I am 24 years old, and I am taking the class because English 05 is a requirement for my undergraduate studies. I have 60 units, and i will hopefully transfer to Cal Poly in the spring of 2008. English is a very strong subject of mine because I write raps, poetry, and other works of art. I am also taking the course because I want to build more confidence in my writing and comprehension skills. If any of you ever have any questions about material or need help with your essays, let me know and I will help you free of charge.I am the tall black man with locks in his hair.
Hello All,
My name is Clarice Jackson. I am currently enrolled in English five because I really need this class as well as the Math class I am taking to receive an AA in Liberal Arts. I plan to continue on to S.F. State to pursue a BA in Environmental Studies. I work for the Environmental Protection Agency and they are paying for my education and that's one of the reasons why I am interested in the environment, with special emphasis in Urban Ecology. I worked with the Environmental Justice Team and learned alot about demographics, zoning and redlining in "Urban" areas. I will be the second person to receive a degree under the Mullins Award program through which I was given this opportunity to attend school with time off from work to obtain a degree. I look forward to learing new things and moving closer to my goals.
When Don Imus made his racial slur on the air and thought it was funny or a joke I was not surprised. Alot of the crude things white americans say about blacks we gave then the ammunition. "nappy head hoes" is not a common tern used in the "white" arena so we should then look around and see where he got that slang from. I am not blaming Rap Music or anyone else for our failures as an entire race but I will say this...If you air your dirty laundry on the front porch the whole neighborhood will see it and if you do it enough it will become common place. California is one of the few places where people who are prejudiced hide their true feelings just to "get along". Other places, especially southern states don't hide how they feel about you. In my opinion I can except the in your face a little better because at least you know how they REALLY feel right up front with out all the games.
The event that I will be discussing is the war in Iraq. The United States has been at war with Iraq for a few years now. As a result, gas prices have increased, funding for schools has decreased, and nothing has been accomplished. It costs billions of dollars annually to fund a war. The purpose of war is to stop an enemy from harming ones environment. The motive should not be to gain resources at the expense of tax payers, and other hard working individuals. The money that is spent on sending troops to foreign soil can be used to feed individuals who are homeless, or to build better educational facilities for our children. Children are the future, and what type of future they have depends on the type of education they gain. Before we( the United States ) can come to the aid of another country, we must first take care of home. Until then, we will always be in debt, and at war!
My name is Shawn Hughes and this is my second class taking in going back to school after a long period off. Currently I work for a credit union in Pleasanton as a Loan Officer. The reason for taking this class is to learn about the different ways and skills of Critical Thinking and to also fulfill my English requirement.
The recent event that has me angry is the way Paris Hilton is treated through this whole jail situation. I really think she should do her time and stop crying about it. Paris broke her probation so she should be punished just like any other citizen. Also the L.A. courts should treat her like a regular prisoner and not let her family have any special front of the line priviledges like her sister Nicky. Nicky was shown on T.V. walking right up to the front of the line to visit inmates and not have to wait like the rest of the visitors. Plus when Paris got sick and was sent home however if this was a regular inmate this wouldn't happened. This just shows that celebrities can get special treatments no matter what kind of trouble there in. I beleive that Paris Hilton is just a rich spoiled brat who thinks she can get her way no matter what the situation is.
Wow, I must admit that I, too, am impressed with the level of education, strong sense of direction, and great awareness of the class, thus far. I can't wait to read comments from your peers.
There is a nice eclectic mix so far. It should make for great conversations and an exciting class.
Good Afternoon Class,
My name is Maria G. Ambriz and I am taking this class because it is one of the requirements in order to get my AA degree here at Laney. To be honest with all of you, I had actually given up in school. I only have three classes left in order to receive my AA degree and this is one of them, but for some reason I've been infected with a serious case of writers block. However, I am really excited about this class and feel optimistic. Hope to see you all in class this evening ready to do some critical thinking.
There are many topics that have caused me to stop and think about the world around me, but one in particular has really hit home. The Immigration Reform topic has been all over the media, more so in the Spanish media than the English. I've noticed that in many English news and radio stations the Immigration Reform is some sort of a taboo that is better off not mentioned and when it is mentioned, it is more likely to be portrayed as something negative that will affect the economy. Many opponents of the Immigration Reform argue that immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, but they don't realize that most of the work they do, is work that many Americans are not willing to do. I mean let's think about it, who's out there working our fields?
I think the people in Congress should stop postponing this issue and make a decision once and for all. Let's not ignore the fact that there are 12 million illegal immigrants in this country and that something needs to happen. I mean they're here anyway and they are contributing to the economy by paying taxes, which by the way, many don't get their refunds from Federal or State because of the lack of a Social Security Number. I recently signed a written letter to President Bush and Congress that urges an Immigration Reform that will stop the separation of families due to the "ICE" raids and an opportunity for immigrants to legalize their situation in a humane manner. I wonder if we've forgotten that this country was built on immigrants.
Anonymous said...
"I've noticed that in many English news and radio stations the Immigration Reform is some sort of a taboo that is better off not mentioned and when it is mentioned, it is more likely to be portrayed as something negative that will affect the economy."
Maria, well stated. American media, does not appear to be too interested in this topic because of political reasons. It has been argued by pundits such as MSNBC's Keith Olberman and others, that the Bush Administration is offering this as a red herring. If you are not familiar with this type of fallacy, a red herring is when one tries to divert attention away from the real issues by focusing on something else.
In this case, every time something negative happens within the current administration (Iraq War, Karl Rove, Gas, Gonzales), they introduce or threaten immigration reform. And the American public, because it is such a sensitive issue, takes the bait. In other words, they are distracted.
But, this issue will not die, and it will be addressed again and again, during the next 9 months as the presidential primaries are set for February. Keep up the good work, somebody is listening to you, even if Bush is not.
Yoyoyo! Sorry. My name is Ian and I'm taking this class so that I can finally get back into SFSU after 5 years of BSing. I'm still somewhere up in the air as to exactly where life is going to take me but teaching is something I've considered and this class should be a stepping stone.
One of the countless events that has recently taken place and bothered me is the Don Imus controversy. His remarks didn't bother me, as I think it's important to acknowledge the source. I had never heard of Don Imus before the whole "nappy headed hos" comment, nor do I think i ever would have. Personally, i say let the man say anything he wants, and the FCC allows him to, freedom of speech, right? What did bother me about the whole incident was the backlash, primarily from the black community.
I can understand why people feel justified in fighting Don Imus, what he did was rude and wrong, but it's also imperative to pick your battles wisely. Don Imus is a 67 year old shock jock known for wearing a cowboy hat. I can all but assure you half of the people who were offended would have never known he said anything if not for the immediate media attention. Even if I took the stance of "he's evil, fire him!" I'd like to think I would realize that, like many things in the media today, the focus of the story would be turned from Don Imus into blaming someone or something. In this case it was hiphop.
Hi Joy, I completely agree with you on your opinion of the Paris Hilton topic. I too believe that it is unfair to judge someone because of their economic status. While those who are wealthy get away with little or no punishment, the working class is made an example for everyone else to learn from. In Paris Hilton's case, I think the judiciary system made a mistake. You would think that because she is a celebrity and many young girls admire her and wish they were like her, they would have made an example out of her to send a message that what she did was wrong. Instead they let her go home until someone realized that people were actually watching and noticing the special treatments. Now she's in jail, but I assure you that if it were me or you committing the same crime we would have been in jail for a longer sentence.
My name is Jenny Chu, a British born lady with a California twist and a Chinese/Malaysian style. I am an only child, born to a single chinese mother. I have spent a lot of my adult life traveling in Latin America, Africa and Asia, primarily as a wanderer and a photographer. Currently, I am scheduled to begin a masters program in journalism at UCB this Fall '07 and am taking this class in order to practice much needed writing skills which will be expected of me in the program.
I often wonder how the U.S. can spend so much time critizing other countries for not being democratic, or for selling weapons to "adversaries". Being Chinese, I find myself annoyed, for example, when people in the U.S. want to boycott the Olympics in Beijing, because of arms sales to the Sudan. Hasn't the U.S. funded, aided and promoted wars across the globe that had nothing to do with them and that has killed millions? And in terms of democracy, how can the U.S. wage wars in the name of freedom and fair elections when democracy is barely operable in this country, as was evidenced in the last election especially. I always felt that we, ourselves, could have benefitted from the presence of U.N. monitors during the elections of 2004.
I couldn't agree with you more about the Iraq War. The War has been a complete waste of funding. The U.S or should I say Mr. Bush is spending billions for nothing when that money can be used here for something more important like our childrens schools or medical insurance for the needy. I guess the President wants that troop death toll to rise. Hopefully the next president can pull us out and stop this war which is becoming the new Vietnam War.
I want to comment on the Iraq war. First of all, I do not believe in war solving problems. We had not exhausted all of the options before jumping into this action.
What really concerns me is the toll this action has taken on the people of Iraq, who seem to be left in the background. Each day the media mentions how many Americans have been killed, yet many more Iraqi Civilians are maimed, mentally destroyed, displaced from their homes and communities, deal with loss of employment and income, and all the while the media continues to claim we are liberating them and making a better Iraq. Just tell me, When is this going to happen?
I agree with Maria. Paris Hilton did the crime and should do the time. If I had to go to jail, I would cry to my mother and father also. I would act like Betty Davis to get out of going to jail, I believe that is human nature! If you do not want to deal with the criminal justice system, stay crime free. There are mandatory sentences for these offences and the normal folks go to jail daily for them. Welcome Paris to the criminal justice system. Go to rehabilitation, because it seems that you have a problem. You keep doing the same thing over and over. Get a clue. Sorry for the rant..
Thanks Lyric for the interest in my academia. I accomplished a degree in Language Arts majoring in Spanish and I am currently preparing to transfer and receiving a degree in Liberal Studies when I transfer into the Liberal Arts program in Cal. I am figuring it out as I go. I am working on maintaining my grade point average, it is really hard and I am determined to keep it up.
I want to make a brief comment about Iraq war.I think Americans are better of,atfter 9/11 compared to present situation.Suprisingly,the surging death toll recorded so far and unrevealed number of seriously injured soldeirs hospitalized overseas in US military bases due to this war, is greater than causalties witnessed on 9/11. Above all,too much funding over the war is drastically affecting the economy.Now Americans' international relation is on the edge.
My name is Hip Bong Lee and my nickname is Barry. My major is Hospitality Management, the reason that I choose that because I like to travel and meet different kind of people, especially from international. I am also outdoor person, I love to play badminton, soccer, and basketball. (KB better than LJ, no doubt. Can LJ make 81 in a game? probably not in the future) I am taking this class because Critical Thinking is a requirment for my major. Also, English is not my first language and Critical Thinking will help me improve my writing and comprehension skills. And I already accepted this challenge
Hello Ms. Wanzo,
My name is Sharon O'Con Robinson. The majority of my writing experience consists of emails and stastical reports to managers in a demanding job. I am taking English 5 to brush up on writing skills to be more effective in conveying information clear and concie. In addition, I need English 5 to complete my prerequisites to obtain an A.A.
A historical event that has caused me to pause and think is the continued increase in gas prices. Supply and demand does not seem to be the only factor that is causing prices to climb.
I can not help but think pockets are being lined and it is not the gas attendent or the consumers that are benefiting.
The building of hibrids cars which run on electricity and gas has now over shadowed the new. Gas price has not changed, just the headlines pushing hybrid cars.
The question rises, does the government really want to find a solution to our ongoing gas crisis.
Two stations on the same block, prices 30-50 cents difference. Our goverment has responded in the past by saying we will not tolerate price gouging and will investigate any company that is found doing so.
Well, prices are still rising and we are still paying high price at the pump. With the new elections close at hand maybe someone will be voted into office that will not look the other way.
I can agree with Maria that our mass media is no longer too interesting.Due to fantasies and hypes.I think this issue of distuction is becoming more problem than real issue of concern the media may want the public to be aware of.
My name is Sam and I'm taking this this class to fulfill the IGETC requirements for the UC system. In addition to this class I am also taking a Calculus I class and work at Costco at night as a stocker. I plan to transfer to UC Davis and major in Animal Science.
I guess I will follow some of the other posters and talk about the immigration debate. For some reason people in power have decided that this county is now "full" and we have no need for any more immigrants. However, this country has come to be associated with the term " the land of opportunity," and for many this statement has been true. They have been able to come here and go from making 8 dollars a day into 8 dollars an hour. I find it irresponsible that we do not want to help people who are trying to better their lives, and are willing to take extraordinary risks to make it here and have the chance. According to George Bush we have gone all the way to Afghanistan and Iraq to help those people have better lives, yet we turn away the people who came all the way to us.
There are alot of factors in the price of gasoline, no doubt the oil companies are making their share of money, but there are lots of other factors. One of the issues is that oil futures has kinda become the "new" ballcourt for investment groups. They play the market to actually make prices go up and while their investment funds make profit, you eat it at the pump. There are also lots of other factors, but this is one of the newer ones that has come into play recently.
J Verduzco,
I agree with your statement that "location doesn't give you permission to insult others in a demeaning manner."
It is unfortunate that Imus's show was the only thing eliminated from airways when there are simular messages that is being allowed to air. such as, racial slurs and demeaning remarks in a variety of music being played.
I also want to comment on the Iraq War. We already get invloved to Iraq War about few years, and now we also already help them to build the other new government. However, the question is when our army can all go home. War cannot slove the problem, War make the gas price increase, War kill people, War make me sick...... The only person who love war is the person who sell the weapons and the person who make the weapons. One more thing about Iraq War is, I still remember at the beginning of the war, The terrorist beheaded couple different people. This memory I will never forget, also I guess this is called Revenge.
Hello,my name is Alex Vazquez. I am 22 years old and I am a taking this class as a requirement for transfer. I am a part time student as well as a part time Smog Technician in Alameda, but both combined makes for a really rough full time schedule. If I'm not at work I'm at school, but I know that hard work pays off. I am a few semesters away from transfer, and my goal is to transfer to UC Davis when all of the requirements are complete. I plan on majoring in a biological science (undecided) and then maybe applying to a school of optometry. Anyway, one thing that has made me stop and think has been the way gas prices have been getting lately. I know that there is the whole political side to this, but what people need to realize is that we can do a lot more than just complain about the war every time we are at the gas pump. Being a Smog Technician, I know what cars can waste a lot of gas, and I think people need to know that not all "gas guzzling" cars are only SUVS. We need to look closer at the vehicles we drive because that is really where this "oil addiction" comes from: widespread use of inefficient cars. Thank you and see you all in class...
George Bush was the one who said money trumps peace...
Magnus Duru,
You said Americans are better after 9/11 compared to present? But what kind of better? US made a war with Iraq better or the gas price increase better? I mean the US security system might be better after 9/11. Well, one day US don't get the other attack as 9/11 then we can say that better.
Hi All,
My name is Ting, I was born in China and immigranted here couple years ago.I really enjoy the life here although all my family bcak to China last years. I am taking this class because the requirement of General Education. I hope i can transfer to CSU next year, but sometime i just feel hard for me because I am a full time worker at the same time. However, I believe that I am able to make everything that I desire by my hard working attitude.
I really agree with Jenny.The U.S. often spend so much time critizing other countries.Although America is still the most powerful and strongest country in world, we have to take care ourselves first. There are a lot of issues that we need to solve in inside of our society, for example, like the price fo gas, empolyment rate, and educaion etc... That kinds of issues that we have to focus on rather than spend time and money for other countries.
My name is Jiale Yu, but I like people calls me Carlos. Not because I don’t like my Chinese name, only because it is easier for people to call and remember my name. I was born in China. Then I moved to Mexico when I was fifteen. Three years later, I moved to New York with my family. And finally I moved to California alone four years ago. I like California the most.
I am taking English 5 for couple reasons. First, it is a requirement for transferring and it also counts as general education. Second, critical thinking is very important for everyone in their daily life. For me, I always like to think critically, but I have not done too many of this type of writings. Therefore, I really want to improve my writing skills by taking this class and I am ready for the challenge.
One thing I really talk about is Paris Hilton’s case. As a immigrant from China, I know the corruption in China is terrible. There is always unfairness in the judicial system of China. Basically, if you have money, you will automatically have power in China, in which means that even if you break the law, you can easily solve the problem with money. When I came to the US, I thought this country was different. The constitutions of the United States say that “All men are created equally!” In which means that we have equal rights. But it also means that if we break the law, we should have an equal punishment. In Paris Hilton’s case, we can see that judiciary system has prejudice because of a person’s economic status. This is not fair and it really make me upset. Paris Hilton should definitely go to jail because of what she did. And I think 45 days of jail is too nice to her.
Hello, Joy and Maria
As I said, I really agree with you. The judge is not doing a good job. if Paris Hilton got little or no punishment, then all rich people might take that as an example and therefore, more people will break the law. We have to stop this unfairness! As Maria said, if I was the one committed to the same crime, I might have already been into a jail now and for a longer sentence. If money can save you from any punishment, then the law is not fair and need to change.
Hello Class! My name is Judith Barajas, but I rather be called by my nickname Judy. I attended Contra Costa College and graduated with my A.A. in lideral studies. I recently transfered to Saint Mary's College this past spring semester where I am a junior. My major is Psychology with emphasis in child development. The reason for taking English 5 is because it is my last lower division course that I need. I decided to take it during the summer since it was been offered here at Laney and that way I would save money.
The historical event that has been on my mind, since it fist began is the Iraq War. Not only did President Bush lie to everyone for the real reason why we went to war in the first place, but he does not want to pull troops out of Iraq. He does not understand that we are losing valuable lives that could be saved if he would just tell them to come back home. Billions of dollars have been spent on the war that seem very useless to me. This is without taking into consideration of the money still needed for the reconstuction of Iraq. I believe that the money could have gone to better use for our school systems. I believe education is very important and everyone has the right to a good education. The money could be used to remodel school buildings in order for a safer atmosphere for children, school supplies and an increase to teacher's salary. These are a few suggestions on which the money can be better spent on for our schools.
Hi, My Lukwana North
I’m lifeguard; I work at Laney College as a Lifeguard.
One of my favor hobbies is swimming. I think their nothing great in world than swimming. Beside, reading, taking care of children’s.
My experience writing are limited to the wall here Laney College. I haven’t written any book. I choose to do English 5 during is summer , because the weather is nice .
Magnus, interesting perspective: the U.S. is better off after 9/11. Can you explain what you mean by that?
Jenny, et.al., what do you think that the goverment has to gain by boycotting China? Why do think America is so preoccupied with other countries?
"Hey ! YOyoyoyo! Sup!"
Slang phrase are inappropriate for this blog environment.
I appreciate the desire to be different, but treat this blog as a component in your academic environment, as such, no slang, colloquialisms, or profanity, are allowed.
I think Iraq war is nothing more than criminal robbing and lumping ,because of the lies George Bush administrate told and the many cover ups that are happen . If you were paying close attention to the begging of the conflict of Iraq you see that I’m right. One of example that I can give is 9/11 and if don’t know about 9/11 you need to go read. Because, the way United State went to war isn’t clear at all.
Right On
Ting Liu
I agree with you on the comment you made about your country. Care your country first before helping other. I believe you can supply that comment to life as well.
Hi. My name is Rosemary McKenzie. My reason for taking this course is to first expand my knowledge and secondly so that I can transfer to a University. I am a single mother,full time employee, part time student and an entrepreneur. So far this class seems very interesting and I look forward to the rest of the semester.
My name is Harry Satcher. I am twenty- eight years old. I have a three-year-old daughter and I live in Pittsburg. The reason why I am taking this class is because I had Ms. Wanzo last summer for English 1A. She gave me a B. It could’ve been a lot worst. She is a great teacher. It’s also a GE requirement and I need this course to attend UC Berkeley. I was accepted for the fall semester.
One historical event or a recent pop culture occurrence that has caused me to pause and think is the Duke lacrosse case. This was the case in North Carolina where three Duke lacrosse players originally accused of raping a dancer at a private party were cleared of all charges. Recently the prosecutor of the case Mike Nifong was disbarred for misconduct in relation to the case. I believe that there is a lot of misconduct in the legal system. I believe people lie all the time for one reason, or the other. I also believe that overzealous prosecutors do go to far for more reasons then one.
In response to Lenisha
I feel the same way. I do not believe that America is ready for a president that is not white. I believe that this is still the most racist nation in the world. But we will see.
No recent event has actually caused me to stop and think. I mean, I see it on the news or read it in an article but it all seems like history repeating itself. Take the Iraq War, isn't this a repeat of the Veitnam War? Unfounded. Lives lost for no good reason for there to even be a war. Paris Hilton, the typical rich girls story. Don Imus, that's his opinion. Even if we don't agree, it's his opinion and he's intitled to it. The media, always focusing on the kind of stories mentioned above and not enough focus on stories like the article that I read on-line recently in which a woman in LA died in a hospital emergency room after lying on the floor while being denied medical care even though 911 had been called from within the hospital because by-standers believed the woman was in urgent need of assistance. This made me wonder how could this happen. What possibly could the hospital staff use as an excuse if a human being is lying on the floor in enough pain that the next persons concerns elevate to a level that they feel they need to call 911 from within the hospital. Even past that persons concerns or the dying woman's husband's plea to the medical staff, this woman was reportedly bleeding from the mouth. How can the hospital staff explain not being concerned with the welfare of the other people's well being. These are the stories that make me pause and think.
Hi. I'm Rosemary. I have recently completed my requirements for an associates degree in Business Administration. Although I didn't walk the stage because I waited to late to turn in the required paperwork, I plan on walking the stage with the next group that does. The reason I'm taking English 5 is to broaden my knowledge, to become a more critical reader and thinker, and because it is a course I need in order to transfer to a four-year University.
My name is Dominique, but you can call me Nique or Nique Nique. I am a 20 year old student who attends San Francisco State University. I will be a senior this coming up fall; studying Psychology, and Criminal Justice, hoping to get my BA in both by spring 2008.
I am taking this English class to fulfill English 214, also known as 1B. Also to understand the concept of critical thinking, and the critical writing process.
One of the things that i can say that has caused me to think is the prices of gas. The prices of gas has gone down; however, know that i am driving everywhere, i have really realized that gas cost. Being a passenger it never really got to me, but know that its coming out of my own pocket, i realized the essences of money and its value, and that gas can cost.
I agree with what lyric said about Paris Hilton. I also believe that our country is very lenient when it comes to punish those who are wealthy. They seem to get off very easy by just paying a fine. While the working class would be sent to a harsher punishment. It seems that money talks in America and as long as you have money you will be able to get away with a lot more than those who do not have the money.
Clarice Jackson,
I think its really interesting that your into Environmental Studies, and like dealing with the Environment because many people dont care about the world around them. Also i think its really great that your job as offered to pay for your education. Moreover, to let you take the time off of work to continue your education. Most jobs dont care and are not conserdeate of out side activities such as, getting higher education.
I think that is an interesting point of view and would love to know why you think that. Please share your opinion with me because I personally don't think the white male has done such a good job at running the country.
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Great first, post, guys!
I am kalid, I am from east Africa: the main reason I am enrolling in this class is to develop the way to analyze, investigate and retrieving any source of information whether is scientific or literature thereby utilizing the technique of critical thinking because we don’t even know which sources are we rely on it. Even though my major wasn’t English, I figured out that English were the essence or back bone of any subject from engineering to history. In addition, is my pleasure to inform you that I have been admitted to the UCLA College of letter and science with Biochemistry as my academic major.
I believe that Malcolm X's experience does validate the quote a lot because its very much true. By having the extended knowledge of certain words than most,it enables a person to describe their story a whole lot more in detail. However, its not just saying that person knows how to use big words or words that nobody harley uses, its saying that that person has took the time out to learn and understaand the words their using. Its saying that those words mean something to them if their using them. By Malcolm X learning new words and obtaining a broder vocabulary, he was able to articulate in a way that many were impressed.
The moment that I learned that having a large vocabulary enables you to learn and experience even more was learning through my cousin. My cousin and i are exactly alike; we think the same, finish each other words and we know what each other are thinking. We were even born on the same day, we are first cousins. Moreover, to me he's very intelligent, and he thinks the same of me.He raps, and by him coming up with new words, he's stays in the dictionary trying to learn new words and to describe what he's talking about instead of using everyday words. I learned through his experience that it does enable a person to have a broder vocabulary,and experience even more. Through my cousin, i saw the difference that a person can take to inhance their vocabulary and learn to articulate well.
I myself try to expand my vocabulary by doing the same thing as my cousin and also Malcolm X did; reading from and coping down unfamiliar words.
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