Ladies and Gentlemen, we've come to the end of our journey. Thanks for providing great blogs this session. Thanks for hanging in there and working through the text and the course. You made it. Give yourselves a pat on the back.
This last post is dedicated to you. Post your final thoughts and comments about any area of this class in this post. Don't worry about critiquing me or the text as you will have a chance to do that next Wednesday.
I'm more interested in your response to Critical Thinking. How do you see your thinking process changing as a result of what you've learned during the last 6 weeks?
You don't have to respond to a peer but if you feel so inclined, please do so.
Reflections of the last 6 weeks, well, it has been a seriously intense experience. The threat of failure is the most challenging rush for me and you absolutely raised the bar. When I entered this class, I had an idea of what critical thinking was but not much practical experience in its use. I must admit that I have been overloaded and scared most of the time trying to figure out how to make the deadlines and learn the terminology and the application of those terms. I have thoroughly enjoyed class, it has been engaging and most enjoyable. I must also give a hand to the class for handing in there. Our class is so smart, friendly, open-minded and the thirst for knowledge was very strong. One could not help but thrive in this type of environment. I have been in classes when we start large and end with barely 8 or 9 students. I was somewhat surprised that the class remained in tact even though the work load was extremely challenging and for that I thank you. I am a critical thinker, I just have to get my writing to match my mind. You have done and excellent job Ms. Wanzo in allowing us to think in all arenas from sports which all of us are not necessarily to country music, which I really enjoyed.
I deduce from observing you and defining your patterns that you will be a raving success, because you care about what you are teaching and that come through in the classroom setting. I am a better writer, thinker and person for taking your class. The classes that have helped me the most in my life have been the one’s that I felt I had the best opportunity for failure. Thanks for giving us the confidence to try and continue to strive to be better. And isn’t that what it is all about? Thanks for doing what you do and being who you are. You are an excellent educator.
Hey Everyone,
Wow! I just saw Barry Bonds on an interview and what was amazing, is that he was personable and funny and a really good interview. Very unusual for Barry. Class, if you can check out Barry's interview. WOW!.
I’m glad that this class is finally over. Ms. Wanzo you are truly a great teacher. That is the only reason why that I drive from Pittsburg everyday. This summer was totally different from last summer. I know that I participated more this year. The only thing that I am truly concerned about is if I really became a better writer.
As short as this class was I believe I learned a lot. I was looking through my critical thinking book today and was surprised that we finished the whole book. I’m still at a lost for a few terms, but I believe I will be all right. I consider this a refresher course. I’ve been around all these fallacies and terms all my life and now I believe I have a better understanding of them. I use to watch the news just to stay informed, now I watch the news to find the real message. A lot of these news stations really are biased.
To all my classmates stay focused. It’s a small world, and I expect big things from all of you.
Thanks Ms. Wanzo for another great summer! PEACE
Honestly,I have a great experience in the class.At least,now, I can be able to make clear distinctions between cat and kitten.Unlike before,I had problem understanding or discovering the effects of some terms used in our every life.Mostly,those frequently used in politics,controvercial topics and so on.
In fact,I don't really feel the pains I went through in the course of taking the class because my inputs don,t seem like they're wasted.Obviously,the benefits would not be only helpful for my study but also, would help in my daily interaction with the world.
Good job!Ms.Wanzo.
"Our class is so smart, friendly, open-minded and the thirst for knowledge was very strong. One could not help but thrive in this type of environment."
Well stated.
This class has performed consistently well over the last 6 weeks. You have embraced crtical thinking and allowed yourselves to be enlightened in the process.
You all's willingness to consider other perspectives has enhanced the classroom experience.
Give yourselves a hand.
"The only thing that I am truly concerned about is if I really became a better writer."
Harry, read your first essay, and read the most recent, and you'll discover that your ability to write well has improved. You were already a great thinker and this may be why it's hard to notice much of a difference, but trust me, you have improved.
You possess a strong ability to articulate your thoughts convincingly.
U.C. Berkeley better watch out!
No doubt, we'll soon see you published: "Written by Harry 'Satcherboi' Satcher."
Sandye, can we catch the interview online? If so, please post the link in your response.
Magnus said: Good job!Ms.Wanzo.
No Magnus, give yourself a pat on the back for all of the effort you put into the course. Good job, Magnus!
I was a little frantic about taking this class in the summer, but I must admit that it has been a great learning experience for me. After having taken this class, I am more critical about other people’s arguments and my own. I must admit that it gets a little annoying to have all of the fallacy terms go through my head over and over again every time I read an article, but I know that it is only making me a more critical thinker.
Ms. Wanzo, I also wanted to share something with you that I think will only make me a better person. Last week in class when we were discussing the word “nigga,” I was really convinced in my mind that it was a word of endearment or at least that was the way I used it. However, after trying to prove my point that it wasn’t the racist word it used to be, I was immediately shocked to realize, at that precise moment that I was trying to prove something I didn’t really feel. I mean, I use that word all the time with my family and friends and it feels completely normal to me, but after giving it much thought and listening to your argument I have decided to try and take that word out of my vocabulary.
So, thank you Ms. Wanzo, you have made this class really interesting and enjoyable for me. You have really opened my mind to think things deeper and I’m sure everything I’ve learned in your class will be of much use. Thank you for helping me become a better person :)
It’s been a tough several weeks and having a teacher like Ms Wanzo has made it very enjoyable. I truly love how the students in the class are so open-minded and I look forward to coming to class everyday. Our class discussion on the topic of the day is very informative and entertaining. I must admit I LOL when Ms.Wanzo has a Freudian slip of the tongue.
I was really scared about the essays and blogs and even more afraid when we had to read our essay in our assigned groups. I kept saying in my head, it’ll be okay and they won’t laugh at me (thanks Jonathan and Kalid). I thought I wouldn’t do well in the class but I was wrong. Thanks Ms. Wanzo for giving me the confidence I needed about my writing abilities as well as teaching me how to improve my writing skills. My goal now is to aim for that 100 that Harry got! :-)
Someday, I hope to be able to write like Kalid (deep) and engage in conversation at a level like Harry, Jonathan, Sandye, Lisa, Clarice and Kash. Good luck to all my fellow classmates and may critical thinking be your guide in all your future goals. Lisa, I hope we get accepted into the same nursing program.
Ms. Wanzo, I’ll said it before you are the best and I thank you for sharing your gift with the class and making me a better person, a critical thinker and writer. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors and I will look for you to become a future Supreme Court Judge. Watch out America.
This class is really impact on me. I am very glad that I took this class in Ms. Wanzo’s class although she always gives us too much homework. Before taking this class, I thought the word “critical” is not for me; I am not a critical person. The word critical think means people always judges or against other’s words, personal, and everything only by their thought. At this point, critical is very negativity meaning for me. In fact, I felt very tough at first two weeks. Every night I went back home from school, I just felt stressful and difficult for posting Blogs and writing essays.
Indeed, I’ve gained a new concept about critical thinking in this class.According to the test book and Ms. Wanzo said in the class, “being a critical thinker need to be curious, open-minded, objection, knowledge and creative.” With open-minded, I am able to see every issue or opinion that always have two sides, negative or positive. Between those negative and positive, with curious and knowledge, I am able to figure out what’s really happen and hidden. It’s very beneficial for me when I know how to criticize some issues and topics. From outside in, being critical not only can help me to see what true is but also let me think about myself deeper by reaction of other.
Thank your, Ms. Wanzo and everybody. I hope your guys will have good rest after finishing our class.
Hi Everybody,
These last five weeks have been wildly challenging in a most rewarding way. Even when I am tired, I find that my mind is contemplating the discussion from the previous night in class.
I so appreciate having the notion of "good argument" broken down to the essentials bones of its structure and importance. Meaning, I thought argument had to do with confrontation and/or conflict. I am so glad to have had this class to deepen my understanding of the concept of argument and so much more.
The mere idea that any one of us can take a stance on an issue and argue it effectively truly broadens the landscape of this thing called life. I want to be able to express myself authentically, especially regarding issues I am empassioned about. This class has given me a greater willingness to speak up, embrace what I believe, and make room for those ideas to be challenged. Additionally, it is a relief to know that my opinion is as equally valid as the next guy.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the spontaneity of our class discussions. Each time we (as a class) embark on the subject at hand, I am inspired and immediately engaged. We each came with our ideas, our questions, and perhaps at times our fear. All of this culminated into a diverse and enriching gathering of folks from all perspectives; class, race, and age. Does it get much better than that?
I am grateful for the manner in which the class was structured and the platform it provided for each of us to have a voice. Thanks go out to all of you.
Lyric, today is now. You are already writing as well as the aforementioned peers. So give yourself a pat on the back, believe me if you weren't, you would know.
Maria, I'm happy to hear about you reconsidering the use of the "N-word." Let me know how your friends and family react when you persuade them not to use it too.
As you go forward, always remember, Change begins with one.
Ting, the HW was a lot. But remember, you learned 18 weeks of material in 6 weeks. The HW was designed to strengthen your skills and lend itself to your critical thinking capabilites.
And if that doesn't work, give yourself a hand clap because you did it. You did all the HW and did it well.
Hi Lyric,
In addition to your blog, I wanted to says thanks and acknowledge your hope that we'll be in a program together. I would welcome sharing in the rigors of a nursing program with you. I admire the way you approach learning, and I imagine we would make great study buddies.
Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hopefully we'll both be wearing the stethoscope in due time. I wish you all the best.
"Does it get much better than that?" ~L.A.
No, Lisa it doesn't.
Your opinions added much to the our learning environment. Thanks for your input. Thanks for not being afraid to be who you are.
This class was great. I really improved on my writing skills, and I am a better critical thinker now. I have learned more skills that will help me at the university level. Learning how to write has given me a voice to express how I feel. It also feels really good to be able to argue a point, and know how to back it up.
The class environment is very energetic. While being in english 05, my writing skills have improved a whole lot. The class helps me to learn because of all of the interaction that goes on. There are some really cool people in the class, and there are some really smart people in the class. Good bye ting.
Ms. Wanzo,
Unfortunately I could not find the particular interview that I saw on the evening news, but I was able to locate another interview in which Barry was very personable and likeable. I could not believe it was the same person. I always felt that he was a kind and likeable person, I just could not find any evidence of it and here it is.
Barry was on the Red Carpet in San Francisco with his family and who I believe he truly is and not what has been presented in the past.
This documentary about the Dixie Chicks seemed to me to be an explanation to the fans of their intent, which was not to harm and to explain the predicament they got themselves in and to show the world that it did not beat them.
This was an excellent example of how Natalie’s inductive reasoning was ahead of her time. Natalie had observed the circumstances surrounding the war and reviewed the patterns and her theory was that this war was uncalled for. To me the only problem was the timing of the statement; it was when President Bush’s approval rating was at an all time high. He had everyone on the bandwagon with his war stories and his appeal to fear and other emotions to get the American public to agree with his action to start a war. At this time Natalie’s comment was received very negatively and considered Un-American. The fact that she was out of the country did not help, we like to keep our dirty laundry at home and under the rug.
I think the government, used this opportunity to further their cause. These “Chicks” were perfectly positioned and did the wrong thing at the right time to effectively promote Bush’s cause.
The movie itself was an appeal to the emotion; it seemed that they were trying to evoke sympathy for their cause especially since it turned out that they were not wrong.
It was interesting to see the public sentiment turn on the “Chicks” from great and Emmys to Un-American and death threats. The continual poisoning of the well by the media did not help the cause, they just seemed to fan the fire and keep it burning each time it settled down.
I believe that Natalie and the group was a victim of ignorance. Natalie had no clue of the influence that the comments she made could have, so this turned out to be a learning experience. Lesson #1 is that Freedom of Speech is an ambiguous statement and to be very careful of what you say and not so much what you say , but about WHO. I do not think it would have been as much a problem if it were the Mayor or Governor. Lesson #2 is one perceived move and all that you have built in your career and life can be ruined, no matter how sorry you are and Lesson #3 is even if you are right, make sure you are ready to endure all of the fall out and consequences.
In conclusion, Natalie performed sound inductive reasoning that was later proven deductive reasoning. Unfortunately she was ahead of her time and the timing proved to be nearly fatal to their careers.
I enjoyed the fact that the “Chicks” did not let this setback stop them and did what came naturally to them and that was music. They are wonderful musicians and that will take them back to where they need to be if they “Shut up and Sing”.
Hey Lisa - Thanks for the post. Please lets keep in touch. I heard the nursing program is tough and it would be very beneficial to have a study buddy like you. I've met a few other folks last year who are also interested in the nursing program.
Hey Phillip - Just wanted to say, I didn't forget you. I wish you the best of luck at Davis. If you get a chance, look up my son (Jonathan Stroud). He works for the IM dept as one of the officials. He takes after his mom. :-)
Wow!! I can't believe class coming to an end it brings tears to my eyes LOL!! I am so happy that I decided to take this during class during the summer. I believe that I learned more in six week rather than the fifteen weeks because the course load was extensive and it forced me to stay on my toes. Overall this class really brought out my crtical thinking skills and most of all I really learned how to use what i have learned in this class in everyday like especially the fallacies.
Ms. Wanzo I enjoyed this class your a great teacher and I wish you taught at the university level so I would be able to take more classes with you. I can see that my essay writing as improved in the last six weeks and I think I am ready to take JEPET which is an argumentive essay writing exam that I must take in October so I can graduate from SFSU in the Spring of next year. Thank you Ms. Wanzo again for everything.
~God Bless~
well i know i came in the class late and i know lots of teachers wouldnt do that so first of all thank you.
i mest up.anyways i feel like i see many situations in all directions now in stead of just in my view.and i can say that after taking this class i know more vocab words then ever before.
Hey Ms. Wanzo,
Thank you for your response and your input as well.
Just wait until Wednesday, we are going to be rallying for the teachings of Wanzo!
Personally English isn't my strongest subject, I am a science major. I started off taking this class as a pre-req for graduate school, but I am leaving with a sense of enlightenment. I really enjoyed this class, but I am glad this is the last english course I will take for the rest of my life. After taking this class I now understand that my time to shine will come in the Lab rather than through writing. It was a very fast paced class, but I truly did enjoy the experience.
thank you Ms. Wanzo
have great summer!
I though English 5 was one of the best classes: that I ever had taking in my life. I learn so many things this summer .I knows, the knowledge with stay with me for the rest of my life. Two of these thing I learn this was essay writing and the other thing this learning how to spot fallacies from a author that write books or the media who is constantly use bandwagon and loaded question to persuasive their audience to agree with them on a topic or issues. Also i learn this summer, I need improvement on some part of my writing .I have a little more confidence in writing from were, I first started it. Thank You Mrs. Wanzo for showing me what to do to be a better writer.
I could not believe English 5 is almost over and I will really miss all of my classmates and Ms Wanzo. At the beginning, I was afraid to stay in the English 5 class because English is not my first language and English 5 is the highest level in JC, so I thought I can't handle it until I know the style of Ms Wanzo teaching and give me a confidence.
SO MANY Papers, SO MANY Blogs, SO MANY class discussion and SO MANY Tests in past couple weeks and now we almost finish, we will miss all the works that we done. From the very first works that I have no confidence to do it until now I used to do it, I am very happy that (I can do it) Ms.Wanzo - Thanksyou ^^
A hearty thank-you class for accepting the challenge that Ms. Wanzo presented. I have enjoyed meeting everyone, the interactions and the help on my papers. It is hard to express in words how grateful I am to all of you for you energy, intelligence and knowledge. Thanks for caring and sharing. I hope we meet again.
First off I wanna thank Ms. Wanzo for letting me add the class, even though I came late. Critical Thinking made me really stop and think about a subject, instead of just going over it. I can now use fallicies on a everyday basis to keep me busy. The class had good people in it, which brought great energy. I wish everyone the best in their journey's.
Dear Ms. Wanzo
I truly enjoyed learning about Critical Thinking. The fallacies and assumptions were very fun. The other day my wife’s cousin lost his job, and my brother in-law started to assume he was already loaded with money in the bank. Immediately a light bulb rang in my head this is an assumption. Of course I did not tell him “hey that’s an assumption I learned in English”. I also catch myself thinking fallacies and assumptions with my co-workers everyday conversations. The blogs were interesting and fun at the same time. The variety of topics kept it challenging. Ms. Wanzo, in these six weeks you taught me a lot about critical thinking that I never knew existed. Thank You.
First of all, I major computer science and I really hate writing. In fact, most of peoples I know (who have the same major) do not like writing at all. We thought that writing has nothing to do with our major. However, after I took this critical thinking class with Ms. Wanzo, I really have a different thinking toward writing and critical thinking.
I believe that I am a critical thinker in many areas in my daily life. However, I am not a critical thinker about politics at all. I learn from this class is that to be a critical thinker, one must have knowledge about certain issues, some principles, be open-mind, ready to consider others viewpoints and in the process of colleting all the data as well as analyze the data, then draw your own argument and conclusion. To be honest, on one hand, I was sad during the class discussing periods since I had just lived in the U.S. for about 4 years and I am not really familiar with the culture here and all the topics that we were talking about. That’s why I was so quiet since in order to criticize something, as I learned from this class, I must have knowledge about the topic first. However, on the other hand, I was also so happy about all the topics Ms Wanzo raised. That is because this class is full of critical thinkers. Although I don’t know much about the peoples and the issues, I really learn a lot from my classmates’ opinions. I really paid extra attention to every speaker during the class and collect as many information as I can. I believe that is the attitude a critical thinker must have. Well, I feel sorry that I did not have that kind of attitude before and I really waste like four years here. I hope from now on, I will be aware of all the social issues, pay more attention to the politics and criticize as my classmates and especially as Ms Wanzo.
Call it an end for this class next week, but it is really a begging of for all of us. We have got the concept, the technique and the attitude of being critical thinker. The journey of life is long and difficult, but our mind, our heart, our spirit are powerful weapons. If we are faithful of ourselves, the brilliant future is on our hands.
Thanks for all of you.
When I first got to the class and saw that we had to write a few 4-6 page papers and I saw the amount of reading we had to do, I was ready to drop it. I'm glad that this is the last semester of English that we have because I don't really care for the subject. These 6 weeks have been very interesting and full of knowledge because I learned a lot. Like many other people said, fallacies have been around us our whole lives, and it was very interesting to learn about them. When people say things or when I watch t.v., I catch myself saying, "Oh, that's appeal to pity," or "Oh, that's a red herring." It's very interesting because I liked this class a lot. I appreciated the peer reviews because it was nice to help others, as well as receive the help. I feel like over these 6 weeks I have learned a new way of writing essays that I wasn't used to, and it's always good to learn something new.
Thanks class for making this class very enjoyable and I wish you all the best of luck in what you do.
I truly liked this class. I learned more about thinking and understanding in the past six weeks then I learned in my last English class in 15 or so weeks. I know that it was mostly due to Ms. Wanzo’s fabulous way of getting us to truly think.
I used to believe that my opinion was truth an absolute simply because I could explain why I think the way I did. But, now I try to think openly about the other side before I press my opinion on someone.
I believe that this English 5, Critical Thinking class was good for everyone. I believe that everyone was able to go beyond their thinking and really think about the different we talked about and delt with in class.Being that i was in Ms. Wanzo's English 1A class last summer, i was able to really understand the way she teaches to be able to grasp the material. To me this class was exciting and took me to another level of thinking. Usually i think of something and go ahead with my answer, but now im able to really analyze what im thinking and how im going about doing something.
I would tell everyone I know to take Ms. Wanzo, because i believe she's a good teacher,a dn helps you understand the process of thinking by examples and creative activites.If i could take another class with Ms. Wanzo I would, because she has taught me the value of English and to analyze what im really doing and go beyond your thinking to theink critical. It was great being in this class and meeting everyone that shared this experience with me.
This is my second comment, but I wanted to just express how much I have learned within the span of 6 weeks. I have become a truly gifted writer and I learned how to articulate more instead of just writing down facts. Essays are more of a personal reflection rather than just spitting out facts, and writing the 4 essays, we've written so far has shown me that. The learning environment in this course was rather usual, I am used to being in classes where instructors just teach and teach with little time for interaction with students. I'm used to having class in large lecture halls, and rooms where there are so many students you don't even get a chance to know anyone on a personal level. I have made a few friends in this class, and the discussion we've had were pretty interesting and it was kind of fun being apart of the numerous debates we had in class. Despite of all the positive things, there are a few negatives, I think if we had more time I would have learned a little more and I felt like I was cramming the information rather than learning it, but thats a different story. Some of the personalities in this class were very unique and I will not forget Magnus, Lyric, Sandy, Clarice, Johnathan, Harry, Joy, Kash, Ian, Carlos and the various people that made this course interesting and fun. Overall, I'm glad I will never take english again, I like writing but times it is hard to assess your ability as a writer. I think english is a subject in which the preference of the teacher outweighs your true knowledge of the subject. This meanings that the teachers likes and dislikes, or favorable styles of writing outweigh a general rubric for truly being a great writer.
The class has been great! It was intense, particularly because of the summer schedule, but the topics kept it interesting. When the class first started, I didn’t like the idea of blogging about something twice a week. For some reason, before this class, I thought Blogging was just for nerds. To me, it just seemed like an area where people can be dishonest and insult each other. This blog environment was entirely different though, because we had to meet 4 times a week as well. This gave me a chance to match a face to a name, and it helped the class “know” each other by reading the comments. Now, I like the idea of blogging for a class, it can be done anytime and anywhere there is a computer. I could “turn in my assignment” while being as far as San Jose, and Ms. Wanzo would still receive it. I just liked the convenience of that. Thank you very much Ms. Wanzo, for introducing me to high tech schooling, and I hope other instructors will follow your example for a dynamic assignment environment.
This has been one of the most interesting classes that I have taken in my life. It has been very enjoyable from you Ms. Wanzo to my fellow classmates. Never have I been in a classroom so full of energy and knowledge.
The environment was one in which everyone could voice their opinions without anyone taking other people's comments personally. Ms. Wanzo I commend you in your ability to lead and maintain discussions for there are many instructors who in my opinion do not have this ability.
I believe that I have become a much better thinker as a result of taking this class. At first I didn't like the book but as we got farther into it I really started to like it. I'm glad we were able to cover the whole book because the last chapter really summed up the concept of the whole book for me.
So now I say good-bye to a great environment, teacher and body of peers. If only each classroom setting from this point on could be like this one it would be smoothe sailing in my journey to receiving my Bachelor's degree.
Thanks for a great summer.
I enjoyed being a part of a class that always kept things interesting to learn about. The peers were great individuals that spoke during discussions, which you were never bored to be in class. Ms. Wanzo was a wonderful instructor that never gave up on her students and wanted to see all of them achieve. She challenged the class to think outsie the box and to voice our opinions. It has been a long time , since a class has been so much fun to be a part of while learning important things that can be applied in our everyday life. In the last six weeks, I have learned to think more critically when a new idea or a particular side is being told to me. I have learned not to believe everything that is being said,but instead to look deeper into the entire issue at hand. Otherwise, I would be simlpy jumpping on the bandwagon with society and not thinking for myself. I had a lot of fun beside stressing so much over all the work that we needed to do. Thanks Ms. Wanzo for being a great instructor and teaching us the material very well. To my fellow classmates I thank you for all your great opinions. Have a great rest of the summer!
Ms. Wanzo said...
"Overall, I'm glad I will never take English again, I like writing but times it is hard to assess your ability as a writer. I think English is a subject in which the preference of the teacher outweighs your true knowledge of the subject. This meanings that the teachers likes and dislikes, or favorable styles of writing outweigh a general rubric for truly being a great writer."
Phillip, everything you said above is quite true. And I remember being in classes myself as a student and becoming frustrated because every teacher expects something different. I teach and expect the foundations. Why? Because if you learn the foundation you are at least equipped with the fundamental skills of writing. Once you learn it, then you can break the rules as many published writers often do. But if you read any document close enough, you can find some of the very basic foundations you have learned.
It is true, then, that many teachers have different expectations. The trick is to learn how to take what you've learned and apply it to what they teach. Because across the board all English professors have the same expectations: that students demonstrate their thoughts in an ability that reflects the basic foundations of writing.
I don't know a "truly great" writer. All writers, students, teachers, published, unpublished, etc., will tell you they struggle to a certain extent with writing as a process.
But I know a few truly great thinkers and writing is a merely a reflection of how great they think. For me, then, this means that my thoughts are nothing on paper, if no one understands them but me; I must write in a way that is faithful to the art form and yet fully reflects my abilities too.
You are an excellent thinker. You have very strong thoughts and great opinions. And with a few screws tightened in your writing process, you will be an impressive writer. Don't give up on Writing.
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Hey Everyone :)
When I first entered the class I didn't know what to expect, frankly Ms. Wanzo scared the crap out of me on the 1st day. I kept coming to class because I knew it would be welcomed challenge for me. I have definately learned to observe with a more critical eye to try to determine what the "real" facts are about any situation. Ms. Wanzo I appreciate you using real life situations to get us to think on the level of real life situations to apply our skills learned in this class. I also appreciate your "brutal" honesty I needed it :) To all my classmates keep pressing forward and I'm sure when I run into some of you you'll have nothing good news to share. Best of luck in ALL your endeavors !!
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