This blog is dedicated to you learning a little more about yourself. Fallacies are often born out of our point of view. We jump to conclusions about others (hasty generalizations), use prejudicial language, and attack other's characters based on our conscious or unconscious point of view. We are able to use fear or pity as an appeal because what others believe or hidden assumptions.
In this blog you will click the title above and go to a Harvard website that allows you to test your subconscious. Do you know who you are? Do you know how you see others? Take one or two of the tests and see if your correct. Report back your experiences here.
Hi Ms. Wanzo.
You asked in this blog, if I know myself and how I see others. My answer is "Yes, I know myself very well including how I view others."
I took two different IAT tests (same pattern of testing) and the first test results really surprised me. However, I had a funny gut feeling when taking the test. In fact I noticed after completing the 1st part of the test, something wasn't quite right. Yes, I blinked. My intuition told me I've been exposed to something of this nature before, possibly in my psychology class. I think the purpose of the test was not to see my subconscious POV but to see if I will follow the lead in the test. I think this is a fallacy "appeal to bandwagon" or "misleading euphemisms". The test was a tool to teach me how to conform to the test questions/answers. Every time the wrong answer was select, the test would not continue until the correct answer was selected (correct according to the test). There were several parts to the test and each part was to condition me to follow the pattern introduced, such as what is good or bad.
In the 2nd test, I approached it differently to see if the outcome will change (this is the analyst inside of me). I was right about the results! It couldn't give me a test result. I decided to randomly apply my answers to a good portion of the test. During the last section of the test, I intentionally selected the wrong answer to see if I can confuse the test. The result from this test is "Too many errors were found." Since I did not learn from the test sections (got most the questions wrong) and the test couldn"t evaluate the answers I provided, the test concluded with an excuse. This is another fallacy - I think it is the fallacy of word ambiguity.
If this wasn't the purpose of the assignment, then I must be over analyzing the tests and this blog assignment.
After taking the test on the Fat-Thin IAT, I was not too sure about what it explained about me. In everyday life I notice that thin people do not get noticed, however I do take a double look when I see a fat person. This explains why my results showed that I responded quicker to people fat people when pressing the response keys. Correct me if I am wrong but I would have to believe that most people take a second look at a fat person walking down the street as opposed to a thin person. The final results showed that I preferred thin people over fat people. I have to disagree with that. This I believe is a false authority. My wife’s family tends to be on the heavier side but that does not make me feel any different about them. Like many others, I accept people for who they are, in any way, shape, or form. The inside of a person is what counts. The outside of a person whether thin or fat is just their outer image. Therefore it is important not to judge a person for their appearance until you get to know them.
According to the two test I took, I really don't know myself at all. That is if I chose to believe the test results which I don't. While taking the test I wondered who designed the test and how where the results determined. I beleive this is a fallacy using false authority.
I believe I know myself quite well and I believe I know how I see other people. I am a very non-judgemental person. I truely believe that every person is different from every other person in their own unique way.
I think that it was brillant idea to test the test. I also found the results of you testing the test to be interesting. It really says alot about the test and how biased it is.
Lyric, if you starting testing the validity of test before you complet it or if you start questioning whether it's reliability and as you say analyzing it, then how can it be beneficial to you?
"The test was a tool to teach me how to conform to the test questions/answers." But the test does not teach you how to conform to answers; rather your answers reflect how you've conformed to societal values and ideals.
I do applaud the fallacies in the system as you pointed them out.
Shawn: "Correct me if I am wrong, but I would have to believe that most people take a second look at a fat person walking down the street as opposed to a thin person. "
How do I know? :)
The final results showed that I preferred thin people over fat people.
Is it possible that this test showed that there is something in your subconscious that identifies with being thin? Weight and size are such an integral part of our society, appearance matters and whether most will admit it or not, we all have a tendency to form an opinion about someone based on appearance. It's innate.
So then the question really is, how do I see the concepts fat and thin? Or large and small? Big and little?
Hi Ms. Wanzo.
The test itself I feel wasn’t beneficial but your comments had me realize how society molds people’s values and ideals to conform to the majority.
Looking at the results of my 1st test, I conformed to today’s societal values and ideals. However, it didn’t tell me subconsciously how I felt on the subjects presented in the test.
On the other hand, it was very interesting how they determined what subjects to present in the test. I had setup two different profiles. One where it reflects who I am and another profile that focuses on my disability. Guess what the subjects were on this test? It was "able and disabled people". In this test, I did not conform to society’s values and ideals and the test stated it was unable to determine my results because of too many errors.
Thank you for awakening my mind to evaluate things and not take them for granted.
Hi Rosemary.
Yes, I too believe I am a non-judgmental person. My 1st test was on ethnic names and I had to LOL. Judging a person on their name is like judging a book by its cover. As you read in my posting, I questioned the entire test. Ms. Wanzo’s comment to me made me realize the real purpose of the test. This past week on fallacies has me testing all the waters and looking for the fallacies like the book called “Where’s Waldo?”
As usual Ms. Wanzo has found a very interesting topic. On the onset I believed I knew myself quite well. I have done quite a bit of self realization and self study, so upon choosing the African American / European American preference, I felt confident of the results. Because I am most familiar with my own race I would think I would have shown prejudice for their faults and shortcomings. I do not prefer the European Race to African American as the study showed, but I do prefer the perks and benefits that the European race seems to enjoy. So the test to me was faulty and the results I do not accept. The way in which the test was given gave way to many problems. Those of us who are startled when taking tests could give false results. There are problems of dexterity and anxiety. The changing so quickly and demanding correct responses, I think has more to do with the fact we are not familiar with this material and type of testing than with examining our personal preferences.
I do believe I have subconscious thoughts and feelings, such as love for my children, or anger at people who burp and pass gas in public. I believe there are possibly deep seeded subconscious inputs from my family as well; that I do not believe this test can measure.
I also have conscious thoughts and feelings that I control and demonstrate, such as, my adoration for the Oakland Raiders.
I am not the only on who has question on the IAT testing method:
I do believe we have subconscious, unconscious and conscious thoughts, I just believe the method of testing used here is not a good measurement guide of how to judge them.
Ms Wanzo & Rosemary,
I do believe the fact that our in our subconscious we believe certain things, it is just that I do not believe as Rosemary stated that this test is the proper forum. It gave me a bad feeling, I questioned all about it, even the fact that it was backed by Harvard. Was it the law school? This test brings out what society as a whole believes and not the individual.
Before taking the Implicit Association Tests(IAT), I wasn't familiar with what it was. I now know that the purpose of the tests are to test our personal subconscious thoughts. Before taking the tests, I felt as though I knew who I was as well as how I viewed others. I believe that I am a very caring person and I usually don't judge people. I believe that everyone is created differently so we can all be unique in our own personal way.
The two test that I decided to take on the Implicit Association Test(IAT) website were the Age(Young - Old IAT) and the Skin-Tone(Light Skin - Dark Skin IAT).
With the Age IAT, I found that I had a strong automatic preference for Young compared to Old. I didn't think I had a STRONG preference, but it was probably that was because I am able to relate to younger people more and when I saw the pictures, I was able to click the key faster. I also felt that the test said that I had a stronger preference because I felt that this test had more pictures of younger people, than it did older. I guess through this test, I was able to see that I kind of created hasty generalizations by associating the younger people with good words and the older people with bad words.
With the Skin-Tone IAT, I found that I had a moderate automatic preference for Dark Skin compared to Light Skin. As I read the results, most people who took the test preferred light skin to dark skin. They also associated Dark Skin with the bad words and Light Skin with the good words. I found the results that I got to be true because I do prefer Dark Skin to Light Skin. I dislike how people associate Dark Skin with being bad, especially in music videos when rappers prefer women with lighter skin. I think we are all beautiful and we should all be treated that way.
Without taking any of tests I consider myself a pretty non-judgemental person, but its going to be interesting to see my results. After reading what others have posted I think its really amazing to see how many people have been proven wrong. I agree with Sandy and I feel the test and its results may be skewed one way, and its a true reflection of society rather than the individual.
I agree with what Rosemary was saying because I too felt that I knew myself before taking the test. I agreed with one of the tests and not the other. I was correct about how I felt about the skin tone, but I never knew I judged people, especially older people. I thought I treated everyone equally, which I found to be incorrect. I didn't think I judged people, but based on the test I guess I did.
I just took 3 of the IAT tests, the Fat/Thin test, the Race test, and the Sexuality Test. The results on all 3 of them surprised me, but I don't think that they reflect any feelings that I have about the particular subjects that I was tested on. For the sexuality test, it said that I have a slight instant preference towards straight people instead of gay people. Before the test, it asked for my feelings towards straights and homosexual and I put neutral for both. I don't really care if someone is homosexual or not (actually I don't think it's any body's business if your homosexual anyway). I guess the only preference I would have like that would only be if it was somebody trying to force homosexuality onto me. But this could be about anything like that, artists, religion, preferences etc. Any belief or lifestyle can be annoying when it's forced upon people, but that doesn't mean that I would have a preference for straight over homosexual people. That's the only thing that these tests got me thinking about. Like I said, I don't have any initial reactions towards someone who is homosexual because I do not care enough to generate any opinion about it. I don't think that this test was very accurate on any of my feelings. Did anybody take the sexuality test as well? Did the pictures confuse you? I didn't know what those people were, a guy and a girl or a girl and a girl? It looked like a man and a puppet or something to me. Every time that picture came up, I got it wrong, so maybe that is what contributed to the inaccuracies .
Rosemary M, I understand the feelings that you described. When I got the results to my tests, I started to question myself too, I thought that maybe these tests have some validity on what my inner thoughts are. After those feelings wore off, quickly, I realized that I do not need a survey/test to determine what my inner feelings are. I know that I don't have any of the preferences that were issued upon me after these tests, and I don't think that they can accurately represent me at all. I also found most of the tests to be kind of confusing, and I think that a simpler test would yield better results.
Actually, after learning the affection by fallacies, I know more about myself. Although I always identify that I am a person who fair, open mind and non-judgmental, my values, standard, belief and behavior are influenced by the fallacies that around me everywhere. There is something that have been affected even I can't realize in my thought. That’s call the subconscious assumption that we hardly realize by ourselves sometime.
The Implicit Association Tests (IAT) is a test that let us know our personal subconscious thoughts. As Ms. Wanzo says, that “The test doest no teach you how to conform to answers; rather your answers reflect how you’ve conformed to societal values and ideals.” The IAT really impact on me because I did see my subconscious thoughts from the results after doing the test.
The first one I did that is the Asian American – European American. Before the test, I believe every ethnic could be able to American, not matter they come from Europe, Africa, Asian or anywhere. The result I got was that I strong association of European American with American rather than Asian American with American. In the society, the majority group is the light skin people who are holding the power and authority in this society. Generally, they come from Europe.. From the test, it reflects my subconscious assumption that I would think European American related to American better than Asian American. Indeed, I was affected by the societal values and ideals.
I have taken these Implicit Association tests in the past so I was already aware that there purpose is to exercise our rapid cognition and unconscious prejudices rather than the deliberate consious decision making that we usually use when expressing our opinions to others. I took the sexuality, race, and age tests all of which resulted in little to no preference for either of the catorgories offered.
Although my familiarity with these tests may have influenced my results I think that the environment I have grown up in is as influence as well. If I wasn't exposed to the different cultures, ethnicities and lifestlyes that the Bay Area has to offer and I was from some small town in the midwest I am sure my results would have been drastically different.
I agree with Sandy, culture and society has a lot to with how one thinks and behaves.
Hi Ugo,
I did the Age IAT too. Similar with your satiation, I always thought I am not an ageism person. After testing, it says I am the one strongly prefer the younger people rather than older. Maybe I did judged the older people sometime but I didn’t realize. The subconscious thought is a kind of assumption that we didn’t know we have, or even we don’t want to know we have. That’s why some of us doubt the test. Sometime, we are fighting with inside of our thought.
Ting, my name is Ifey, not Ugo. That's my last name. Thank you.
Hi Alex Vazquez
I have to agree with you on your article. I do not believe that the test gave me an accurate result on my outlook on thin and fat people. My appearance is not exactly skinny, but rather chubby. I do not look or treat fat and skinny people any differently. Maybe the results were meant to play with my mind.
I took two different tests, which are Asian IAT and Age IAT, however if the result is related who I am then I am confused for myself because the result is not matched that what I expected. The first one, the result is My data suggest a slight association of European American with American and Asian American with Foreign compared to Asian American with American and European American with Foreign. What I expected the result is both ethnic should be equal. In the process of the test, I put most of my answer to "Equality". And I am not sure if the website result will come out answer only "compared"
In the second one, my result is my data suggest a slight automatic preference for Young compared to Old. I disagree my result and did not expect this outcome because in my standard of age, I will prefer Old preference compared to Young. Old age is more experience and more respected than Young age that still develope their view of life and that what I belief
Hi Ting
I think we have a same belief about Asian American - European American. As you said " I believe every ethnic could be able to American, not matter they come from Europe, Africa, Asian or anywhere" I totally agree with you. Also, at the same time I feel sorry about the website result because they look like they only have the result that have to be "compared" For Example, in this topic of the result, I expected "Equality" should be the best answer. As for human being, we don't like compared each other and especially it's about the ethnic.
I can agree with Mark the purpose is to test congnition and how we make conscious and subconscious responses.Individaul's answer requires thinking and the answer is based on belief about the issue which reflect various values.
I believe I know myself quite well, but was suprise to notice the result of the test at on point trying to sway me to believe that my tought about some issues is as represented on the result.Well, I disagree with the test because it was just framed in a manner that it would produce desired results.
Truely,the intention is to shape our thinking so we may think the way the society thinks.In any case,it may not be imperical to get everyone on thesame level of thinking, owing to the fact that,individual's instinct exerts great influence on how he or she thinks and comforms with his prefereces.I think this explains why participants in this test seem not to agree with some of their results.
Hi Ms. Wanzo,
I'm soory for the mistake. Am the anonymous who responded to Marks blog at 2:17 am.
I believe I know myself rather well and that’s why the results were not so surprising. One test in particular brought out what I truly think subconsciously. The test was in regard to Obama vs Clinton.
I truly wanted Clinton to run for President in the 2004 election; and when she didn’t run I was upset. So, when I heard that she was running for sure this time around I was happy; until I had the chance to hear Obama speak. I really enjoyed him; I thought he would be an excellent Vice President.
As time when on I read more about him and noticed how much support he had. The more I heard him speak and saw all of his supporters, I changed my mind and wanted Obama for President and thought Clinton should be Vice President. I was so excited about Obama I signed up to be a volunteer/supporter on his website; which is something I’ve never done before on any election.
But the more I listen to experts on television and reasons why Obama may not be ready for Presidency, it upset me even though I’m sure it was true. I know deep down that I want him to win because he’s full of excitement, he’s young, and he speaks of change; regardless if he’s ready or not. So, when the results came back that I was in favor Clinton over Obama, I wasn’t so surprised; but I did have to laugh because I know deep down that she is the better candidate.
I took the skin tone preference test and I'm not too sure exactly what, if anything, it taught or proved to me. It said that i don't have a preference between the two, at least not a noticeable one, something that I've thought for the longest. I guess it just kind of reinforced what I [thought I] already knew.
Being that i didn't really see what that had to teach me i decided to take the sexual preference test next. I tend to consider myself open minded and completely neutral, to the point of not caring less, of one's sexual preference. Apparently I was wrong. According to the test i have a "moderate automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people."
The way that these tests are set up is very interesting. At first, even after taking the original test and reading the results, i didn't really grasp how the test is supposed to measure anything. After a second read, and test, it makes a little more sense. I still think it's wrong though.
I completely agree that the test has flaws, but when the results came back that you preferred the European race over African American, what was your initial feeling? (i.e. angry, confused, shocked...)
I appreciated taking these tests. I took two tests: the Race test, and the Sexuality test.
I found that my results confirmed what I believed to be true about myself overall. The Race test showed that I have equal preference to both African Americans and European Americans. I make an effort to be open no matter what race the person is, and I try to take a look if I'm hesitant because of one's color or race. For instance, one reason I truly enjoy our class is the amount of diversity we have.
Additionally, the Sexuality test showed that I have a slight preference toward gay people. I can imagine this to be true, and that is perhaps unconscious. I know that when I am in the company of other gay people, I often feel at home immediately. Of course, there are plenty of times when it does not matter if one is gay or not and love is not afloat.
I learned a long time ago that just because I meet another person who is also gay, I should not expect we will automatically get along. In fact, quite the opposite has been true on several occasions. In my experience, I have found that some gay men really don't like gay women. Also, I have experienced that some gay women make a point of not aligning themselves with me. I think the latter is true (in part) because of a concern of there being sexual interest or attraction.
Lastly, when in the company of heterosexual couples, I have seen one or the other go out of their way to show affection to one another. I have wondered if they feel it necessary to stake the claim that their secure in who they are? Or, if perhaps they are in some way concerned about my intentions or self-assuredness?
Having taken these tests was a fun and fascinating. I appreciate another way to take a look at how I perceive the issues related to both tests I took.
Before taking any test of the Implicit Association Tests(IAT), I really considered myself rather open minded. I also considered myself to be non-prejudicial and non-judgmental. After taking a few of the tests on the website the results have baffled me and left me to wonder if I truly know who I am.
I took 2 of the Implicit Association Tests(IAT), the first one was the Arab-Muslim IAT, and the second was the Race IAT, which tested my personal preference of white vs. blacks. The results of each test really shocked me and left me wondering if I really do view people from a certain creed or race a certain way?
The results from the Muslim IAT showed that I have slight automatic preference of non-Muslim people to Muslims. This was a very interesting finding because I grew up around several Muslim families, as well as having several muslim friends from countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and various other nations of Islamic decent. If it is true that I do have a slight preference, it may be fueled by the sudden ridicule of Muslims in the media. For example when watching the news I often come across news segments centered on extremism, violence, and terrorism.; these are often associated to the Muslim religion.
The second test I decided to take was the Race IAT, which tested our knowledge of black and white face, as well as asking personal questions about our preference of either race. After taking the IAT, my results showed that I have little to NO automatic preference between African Americans (blacks)and European Americans (whites). Because I am "African-American" I always assumed that I would have a slight affinity or preference for other African-Americans, I have always felt that I identify more with African American issues, rather than white issues. It shocked me to see that I preferred neither race. This may stem from the fact I grew up around a good mix or races.
After taking 2 IAT's I am now beginning to question the validity of the results. I know that it said I have a slight preference of non-muslims, but I don't see how? I have always considered myself to be non-prejudicial and just seeing that result makes me wonder if I do make subconscious assumptions about other people. I have always believed that everyone is equal and should be treated accordingly, its just interesting to see what the results say.
Hi Mark,
I appreciate what you said about living in the Midwest. Where did you live before being here in the bay area? I lived in Iowa until I was thirty-years old, and I am so grateful to be in a part of the world with more diversity. As a result of having moved here, my life has changed enormously since the early 1990s.
I liked that the tests are structured so that we answer from our "rapid cognition and unconscious prejudice." I did not have time to stop and interrupt the truth in my response, therefore I could not malign the results in any way.
Who knows, maybe if I still lived in Iowa, my tests would have come out differently. I am just thankful I do not have to be there in order to find out.
It was interesting when the IAT said, “people don't always 'speak their minds', and it is suspected that people don't always 'know their minds'”. I know myself very well. I believe that I always know my own mind and know what I am doing and thinking. However, I am that kind of person that sometime I don’t always speak my mind. With this personality, I was really interested to see what the IAT would give me.
I took the skin-tone IAT. If the result really showed my subconscious, then it really upset me. I thought I have no preference for dark-skin or white-skin or any color-skin before the test. However, the result showed that I had “a strong automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin.” I feel the result is not right about me because the method that the IAT used for the test was not effective. They says that if I responded faster when light skin faces and good words were classified with the same key than when dark skin faces and good words were classified with the same key. This method is bad because of the order it gave me when I took the test. I was not familiar with this test. Therefore, when it gave me dark skin classified with good words, I did it so slow since that was the first one it gave me. Of course, after the first one, I did it faster not because white skin classified with good words, just because I was a little bit familiar with it. Moreover, I feel so sad that most of the people had the same result as me and only 2% of the participants prefer dark skin. However, we don’t who are the participants and therefore, the sample of participants might not represent our whole society since it is not a “random sample”.
Hi, Ifeyinwa
I think we have something in common. I don’t like people associate Dark Skin with being bad neither. In fact, I don’t like any stereotype about any ethnicity. It is really a hasty generalization. I know lots of African-Americans, Latin-Americans as well as white skinned peoples that are very nice. Hey, Mark, you are nice, too! I will see you in the class.
The second test I took was beer/furniture. The test indicated what I too knew all along, I don't have strong feelings about either one. It seems as though across the board everyone is having mixed feelings about their results. I'm not sure either what help the tests provide.
Jiale said: "Moreover, I feel so sad that most of the people had the same result as me and only 2% of the participants prefer dark skin."
That caught my attention too. At first i thought 'how can they accurately measure how someone feels about two things based on 'good' and 'bad' words and pictures. Whether or not I think the test was effective and correct about me personally, it did make me think that maybe there was more credibility than i previously thought. I've always thought (known-?) that most people prefer light skin to dark skin, whether subconsciously or not, and that's exactly what the test said.
mark i agree with you because i also think that a lot has to do with what u grow up around. and ushally thats how you turn out. so ya thats really true
I totally agree with Rosemary when she says, “I believe I know myself quite well and I believe I know how I see other people.” The results of my test I believe to be totally wrong. I believe the test has plenty of bias. I believe white professors and students designed the tests. I also believe white alumni and white people affiliated with Harvard took the test.
i never took the test before but with the test that i did take it really didnt help because i still think the sameway. maybe its just because i really dont believe it. because i think i really know myself and i dont need a test to tell me anything about myself.
i never took the test before but with the test that i did take it really didnt help because i still think the sameway. maybe its just because i really dont believe it. because i think i really know myself and i dont need a test to tell me anything about myself.
This blog was very interesting. I found out that I know about myself, and how I see others. The study I took was on white people and indians. I identify more with the whites than the indians. This is true because the opression my people have suffered make the relationship between blacks and whites very strong. I have not had much experience with indians. All I have ever heard about through my history is the foul treatment of black people by whites. The indians were there, but not so much. I have strong feelings about white people, and do not really have strong feelings for indians.
I think I know myself very well but sometomes I suprise myself when I am faced with different situations.
The way I see other I use the tradional first impression technique when seeing others. Sometimes I try to get to really know the person before I make a hasty judgement.
The test that I took was the race test. My results Said that I have little to no automatic preference between African Americans and European Americans. After those results I was flabergased because this test was no where near accurate. I felt like I was on the Mury show when the results say that NOT THE FATHER meaning that I am sure that I know myself but the test said otherwise.
I think I know myself very well but sometomes I suprise myself when I am faced with different situations.
The way I see other I use the tradional first impression technique when seeing others. Sometimes I try to get to really know the person before I make a hasty judgement.
The test that I took was the race test. My results Said that I have little to no automatic preference between African Americans and European Americans. After those results I was flabergased because this test was no where near accurate. I felt like I was on the Mury show when the results say that NOT THE FATHER meaning that I am sure that I know myself but the test said otherwise.
Rosemary, I agree with you in that I believe that I know myself very well. My tribulations and experiences have made me realize who I am, and where I came from. I also know how I see other people. However, how I see others changes everyday with more knowledge of the world. Knowledge changes perspective, which in turn changes vision.
Hey Phillip!!
I agree with you I had similair reults after taking the same test on race. Those results of the test were shocking but overall I enjoyed doing this activity. i hope you had a great weekend and see you in class Phillip.
I took two test of the Presidents Implicit Association Test. Before I began the test, I was a bit hesitant. I asked myself how do they measure the results. I felt very sure that I knew how i felt about things.
On the first test, the results were not clear to be determined. On the second test that I took the results were shocking. The results showed that I moderate prefer automatically George Bush over Abraham Lincoln. I was very surprised in the results that I got. I did not understand what was going on. I began questioning myself if I really knew myself after all. I could nhot believe what had just taken place. I dislike George W. Bush very much. I can't stand to hear or see him. I am totally against everything he believes. I can not wait until he is out of the white house.
I guess I have to continue my search for my true self. I have a lot to learn about others, as well as myself. My journey only begins and have ways to go.
Hello magnus! I agree with you in the sense that the test was fraced in such a way that the results may not be acurate. I completely agree that the results may be trying to shape our thinking like society thinks. However, we can learn from our experiance just as we should when we make a mistake. It can be a learning experiance to be more open-minded about situations that happen in our life.
I took two tests and they both seemed to be pretty off to me. One test told me I had more of preference for beer over furniture and I was like What?????? I don't even drink beer, I'd much rather purchase some new furniture than a beer anyday. The other test told me I would rather Barack Obama than Hiliary Clinton now this test may be a little more acurate. While I wasn't aware that I had that preference I do know that I tend to naturally gravitate to what is familiar and this is a long shot but I may identify Barack as Black like me (I think) :) Anywho just my thoughts on the research I participated in. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
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